Thursday, June 29, 2006

Zilker mile repeats 6/29

Time 530pm
Temp 90
location: Zilker park
Wk out 5X1 mile with 2min recovery
Dist: 8miles
Gp: gazelles afternoon gp.
pod: Roger, Rudy, John

Today was one of the most important workouts we do. Mile repeats at Zilker. These are so important as strength builders.
Gilbert did a really good job beforehand explaining the purpose of starting slow and running the last one fast, especially in terms of the time in the season and the weather.
Gilbert asked us to do the first one in 6:30 followed by 3 at 6:10 and last one hard.
We went out too fast so here are the numbers

Mile 1: 6:13
Mile 2: 6:05
Mile 3: 6:13
Mile 4: 6:10
Mile 5: 5:23

It was a good workout and I was surprised to hit the last one at the time I did. Testament to the strategy.
We went as a group and soaked in the dog pool at Barton springs after the run. It felt great.

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